eBooks as Your Viral Salesmen
How can eBooks be used as a tool for viral marketing? Let’s say that you sell products used in baking. If on your website you offer a free download of an eBook with recipes that call for ingredients you sell, it is possible…even probable that you will sell more of the products that you manufacture. That is the basic concept but there are many ways that eBooks can help get free viral marketing for you.
If the free eBook you give away on your site is good, informative, funny, or contains timely information, the public will pass that information along to their friends and family and thereby, generate a lot more traffic on your site. Just the fact that they found something interesting or useful on your site will make them return again and again.
Each time they return is another opportunity for them to become a customer.
The cost of an eBook is just about zero, which makes it a pretty attractive tool for marketers large and small. The only cost is in time and creativity and the benefits are endless.
Of course, eBooks do not have to be free. They can also be sold. The trick to selling your eBooks is to be certain that they are worth the price you charge for them.
So what is the consumer’s advantage of an eBook?
• eBooks are ideal for those who want information in the quickest possible time.
• eBooks can include video, sound, games, children's activities and many other interactive multi-media elements.
• eBooks have search engine and electronic navigation technology. No more flipping back and forth through pages to find that elusive paragraph.
• How to... eBooks can included video clips or many different color images to show you exactly how to piece together that Antique Grandfather Clock Kit, without having any bits left over.
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