eBook Formats
At first most of the marketing eBooks came in EXE format. The eBook is delivered to the reader in one EXE file which can be opened from windows like a program but lately more and more eBooks are being published in PDF format. The PDF format required that a reader have an Adobe reader. Adobe readers can be downloaded free.
There are advantages to both the EXE format and the PDF format.
The advantages of the EXE format are that you can take HTML code and compile it into an EXE format eBook. It can be used Off-line. You can put just about any feature into an eBook in EXE format that you can put into a web site including sound, animated graphics, hyperlinks to other parts of the eBook and hyperlinks to web pages. You have a lot of flexibility using the EXE format.
The advantage of the PDF format is that you can very easily and quickly convert a text document to the PDF format. The document need not be created in HTML first. You can have images and hyperlinks to web pages in a PDF eBook. One of the biggest advantages is that the PDF format can be read by both windows and MAC users.
One disadvantage of the EXE format is that MAC users cannot read them and that if you want to make your eBook using Microsoft Word, you must take the time to add the HTML code to the document. It isn’t all that hard to do but it can be time consuming. You do get faster, however, with a little practice.
The disadvantage of the PDF format is that you can’t put a lot of the fancy stuff in that you can when you use the EXE format. PDF format books read more like a traditional book.
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